End User License Agreement

To use the Western Surplus Lines Agency Inc. web site, you must read the use and limitations statement and agree to each provision.

1.  This web site has been developed by Western Surplus Lines Agency Inc. (WSLA) and is solely for the use and benefit of the producers who are authorized and contracted to do business with WSLA.  Current underwriting guidelines are implemented in the rating pages. If you do not place business through WSLA, you must not use these pages to rate business for any other General Agent or directly for any carrier as this is a violation of your User Agreement.

2.  The producer agrees not to use this rater if they do not intend to write this account with Western Surplus Lines Agency Inc.

3.  The rating pages are designed for ease of use and efficiency for obtaining rates with the minimum amount of detail information. We have endeavored to restrict rates so that only eligible classes will be given a rate. However, it is incumbent upon the producer rating the risk to accurately enter all the information about the risk and the classifications. In all cases the company’s guidelines will prevail and if a risk does not qualify for coverage, the appearance of a premium does not supersede company restrictions.

4.  The producer warrants that all information entered in order to obtain a quote is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge. The program rates and eligibility are heavily weighted upon the classification selected. If the correct classification is not entered into the form, rates and eligibility could be subject to change.

5.  The producer shall verify and use all classes of business the insured has exposures for assuring accurate and complete rating of the risk.  Producer’s receipt of an online quote does not in any way bind the company.  The underwriter may amend or withdraw any quote. Only a WSLA underwriter may bind coverage.  Coverage is not bound until confirmed in writing by a WSLA underwriter. Upon WSLA receipt of a request to bind, the completed rating profile and signed application with other supplemental information as requested should be provided.

6.  The producer agrees to submit to WSLA all signed applications with the necessary supplemental forms within five business days of binding.

I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions above.
© 2025 Western Surplus Lines Agency, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
